Being ignored is worse than someone hating you.

El Septimo Sentido ist eine Tanzdokumentation, die 3 leidenschaftliche spanische Tanzkünstlerinnen durch Europa begleitet. Doch welchen Wert hat die Kunst in unserer heutigen Zeit der Krise und der Kürzungen?
Avatâra (choreographer), Eugenia (ballet teacher) and Alejandra (dancer) talk about the decision to either leave their home country and build a new life in the UK or Germany, or to stay in Spain and start from scratch as well.
A film about friendship, passion, cohesion and lonely struggles, the dependence on each other to survive as artists, the desire for a home and the unconditional will to be noticed - a very personal insight against the backdrop of the current unstable situation in Europe: exodus of artists, cuts in funding, the current gender debate in the UK.

Writer & Director: Silke Abendschein
Camera: Benjamin Schindler
Music: Jan F. Kurth
Production: hechtfilm Filmproduktion UG

Documentary | 76 Minutes | Germany 2016

Funded by:

Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony
Office for Culture and Monument Protection of the State Capital Dresden