"Land Of Fire" follows a group of members of the indigenous Toosey community in the Canadian Northwest, who are plagued by violence and the abduction of young women. They seek their salvation from the spirits and ancestors in the deep forests around them, but these are increasingly falling victim to the massive annual wild fires.
SHE and HE in front of an old hall. It is summer. They have no more language, only a knife lying between them, which she grabs to cut a splinter out of his arm. Getting it out hurts HIM as much as his inability to stand by her hurts HER. THE OTHER appears and reminds HER of her power to decide for herself about the relationship. The film negotiates the self-image and self-empowerment of the woman on the basis of the constellation of three.
Writer and Director: Silke Abendschein
Short Film
The documentary explores the extent to which artificially created worlds can preserve nature in times of climate crisis.
Writer and Director: Benjamin Schindler
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